Monday, June 24, 2013


Hey Ladies!
Just a few weeks ago Jay Ann Intimates hosted its first ever “Lift The Girls, Free The Girls” bra drive to support the non-profit organization,
Free the Girls. (  Jay Ann Intimates has been collecting your (clean & gently used) abandoned bras. You know the bras-the ones at the back of the drawer from before you were married (and you just celebrated your 7th anniversary). Or the bras from before you lost the 10lbs… last year… or even the red, lacy one from that “special night.”  
Due to so many generous contributions from all of you, we were able to collect over 300 bras! It was a huge success to say the least!

However... some of you may not know all the juicy details or were simply unable to attend so let me give you the play-by-play.
Who?:(was involved): Jay Ann Intimates (duh!) our loyal customers (all of you), and our friends from Free The Girls.
What?:(define this
Free The Girls anyway): This organization is something we at Jay Ann Intimates seriously applaud. Free The Girls provides jobs to women who have survived sex trafficking. The donated bras are given to the women to use as inventory for their own businesses selling bras. Can you say girl power?
Where?:This fabulous event took place at our shop in Huntington Valley PA! This location will continue to act as a drop box for bras that are looking for new homes with our friends in Africa. So, don't fret if you didn't get to clean out your bra drawer this time around, there will be plenty more opportunities in the future!
When?:Our first event took place on May 30th from 10am-7pm!
and finally..
Why?: This one is simple. We at Jay Ann Intimates believe in giving back, and being able to help other women using “unloved” bras seemed so simple, yet so beneficial that we couldn't pass up the opportunity!  Plus, who doesn't want to find a way to gain some room for new bras anyway?
So, thank you again! We could never have done it without all of your contributions! Stay tuned for more info about the next drive in the fall.
--- Sydney---